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Case Study

True Essence Foods

True Essence Foods, a food technology company, learned about Flavorman's Analytical Laboratory when attending a Moonshine University private course. They approached our Manager of Analytical Services, Dr. Mark Sprowl, when they needed real-time data that backed the effectiveness and genius of their services.

True Essence Foods Industrial-Scale Technology Solutions that Protect Flavor and Enhance Sustainability

Analytical Testing

Beverage Development

Bulk Spirits



In Essence...

Spirit Glasses Icon

Analyzed samples accross 5 spirit categories.

Beaker and Jar Icon

Our Analytical Lab has analyzed over 60 samples.

icon of fruit and drink

True Essence Foods operates across 9 food and beverage categories.


Two Flavor Experts Collide

It All Started In A Classroom

True Essence Foods is a food technology company that is aiming to innovate the world of food and beverage by using Flavor Balancing and Flavor Symmetry, all while prioritizing sustainability. Collaborating with diverse industries including chocolate, spices, coffee, and juices, they have established a reputation for excellence despite being a nascent company. However, when it came to their Spirits products, they sought assistance from Flavorman's Analytical Laboratory to enhance their offerings.

True Essence first discovered Flavorman's Analytical Laboratory during their participation in a private course at Moonshine University, a renowned distilled spirits education center and sister company of Flavorman. When the group at True Essence Foods learned that The Beverage Campus offers specialized beverage services, they jumped on the opportunity to work with our Analytical Laboratory. They approached our Manager of Analytical Services, Dr. Mark Sprowl, when they needed real-time data that backed the effectiveness of their work with distilled spirits.

vodka samples from True Essence

Where We Worked Our Magic

To provide concrete evidence of the effectiveness of True Essence Foods's Flavor Balancing techniques in their spirits, Dr. Mark Sprowl opted to conduct a Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) Quantitative Analysis. This specialized test is tailored for products requiring precise flavor profiles. The use of GC-FID identifies the exact components and their concentrations within individual samples of a spirit, allowing for comparison across production lots. Our services addressed True Essence's need for tangible, real-time data to substantiate the efficacy of their product, filling a gap that had previously remained unfulfilled by other laboratories.

"Mark Sprowl has gone above and beyond working with our team to get the analytical data we have been searching for. He has been flexible in what samples are being prioritized and has been very collaborative when reviewing the data that is returned to our team," says R&D Manager Jake Holt. "When our team has questions about the data, Mark has always been available to meet with us and answer our questions."

Mark Sprowl working in the Analytical Lab

Going Forward...

Thanks to Flavorman's GC-FID technology and the exceptional expertise of our Analytical Team, True Essence obtained sufficient data to validate their work and conduct detailed analyses of the products before and after undergoing Flavor Balancing/Symmetry. This comprehensive approach enabled True Essence to gain deeper insights into the impact of their techniques on product quality and flavor refinement.

Jake Holt praises this, saying, "We now have data to support the technology our company has been developing. Before working with Flavorman, it had been difficult to find a lab that could report usable data, let alone a lab that is willing to work collaboratively with our team on our projects. We are now able to begin to fine-tune our process to excel in the areas we are interested in, now that we can get data on our samples."

Jake Holt

"Our team would recommend Flavorman to any other company that is looking to get analytical data on alcoholic beverages. We had worked with a number of other labs to get analytical data on the different alcoholic beverages we work with, to no avail. Even if Flavorman had not previously worked with an alcohol type we are interested in, the team at Flavorman worked with us to figure out how to test, and what compounds should be measured."

Jake Holt

R&D Manager, True Essence Foods

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