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Craft Beer

Beer is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink after water and tea! Lucky for craft brewers out there, you can partner with Flavorman to create the next best craft beer and innovate the game with our expansive range of flavors to choose from, including custom flavor creation!

4 women drinking at a brewery

Analytical Testing

Beverage Development

Bulk Spirits



Did you know?

USA map icon

Craft breweries make up 98% of all U.S. operating breweries.

icon of foamy beer in mug

Frosty glasses will cause your beer to foam.

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The global craft beer market size is projected to grow to $210.78 billion in 2028.


Craft Beer

The earliest traces of fermentation were discovered in the ancient Carmel Mountains of the Middle East. Through analysis of 13,000-year-old beer residue, it was found that the Natufians utilized this brew for ritualistic and enjoyment purposes. Clear chemical evidence of brewing barely-based beer was later found in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran, dating back to 3500-3100 BC.

The art of brewing spread like wildfire across Europe, carried by the Germanic and Celtic people as early as 3000 BC. Beer, as we know it, is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches and grains. Industry leaders like Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Guinness are beloved for their easy sipping and simplicity.

Craft beer, however, is typically produced in a smaller-scale brewery or taphouse by independent owners who wish to experiment with technique and flavor. This practice has cultivated a tight-knit community with millions of loyal consumers always looking for the next eccentric IPA, sour, stout, or lager. Today, many craft beers hold equal market share with the industry's corporate bigwigs. Brands like Sierra Nevada, New Belgium, and Samuel Adams are exemplary success stories where beer enthusiasm and creativity meet to generate something special.

Key Considerations

  1. Our Flavor Laboratory can provide custom, full-scale flavor services for established craft brewers looking to experiment with their products. If you're a brewer looking to flex your creativity, our Flavor lab knows no limits!
  2. Some brewers ready to expand outside the taphouse may use Beverage Development services to ensure their canned or bottled beer is shelf-stable and regulation-compliant when it hits store shelves.
  3. Any alcoholic beverage undergoes a different set of regulations than non-alcoholic drinks. Your team of Beverage Architects will help you navigate the regulatory process, picking a copacker, and beyond!

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